Tadi pagi gua sms orang yang jual ticke Bruno yang gua incer banet karena murahnya ituloh, eh pas dapet sms balik dari dia, gua langsung ngedrop banget, TICKET FESTIVAL YANG MURAH BANGET ITU "SOLD OUT" AAARRGHH!!!!!
Sumpah sekarang gua jadi pesimis banget bisa nonton concert Bruno Mars. yaAllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
Tapi mau gimana pun, gua harus tetep semangat demi ketemu langsung idola untuk pertama dan mungkin terakhir kalinya juga. SEMANGAT SEMANGAT DAN HARUS OPTIMIS BISA NONTON CONCERT BRUNO MAAARS!!! YEEOYEEE *\o/*
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
Bruno Mars, you're making me crazy! - III
Nih nih gua udah paling demen kalo nemu website yang jualin ticket Bruno Mars, apalagi kalo emang beneran gua dibeliin, kyaaaa makin demen aja dah gua, demannya "takan terhingga" haahahasyemele-___-
Nih nih website yang jualin ticket Bruno Mars:
- http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=7152149
- http://medanvoucher.com/jual-6-ticket-festival-bruno-mars-live-in-concert-jakarta-2.html
- http://medanvoucher.com/tiket-bruno-mars-900rb-tribune.html
Emang sih link yang ke-3 itu ticket tribune bukan festival, tapi itu murah banget kan! (dibanding yang lainnya)
Kenape sih harga ticket tuh berkisar 1,3 aja? Itu tuh udah di nego, asalnya kan 1,5 -_- haaah yaAllah aku beneran pengen nonton Bruno Mars banget:-((
Gua beneran janji deh, kalo emang gua dibeliin ticket itu, gua bakal rajin belajar buat UN, gua janji, demi Allah! :''')
Dan oya, kemaren malem gua ngomongin tntg Bruno Mars terus ke babeh trs gua kasih tuh link-link yang jual ticket Bruno, dia malah bilang begini dong:
"Siapa itu Bruno Mars? Ah papah mah mau beliin kamu ticket concert kalo artisnya JB atau engga Lady Gaga! Apalagi Mick Jagger, papah mau beli, BERAPAPUN!"
Ih geleh bangetlah-_- tapi amin juga sih kalo nanti Lady Gaga ke Indonesia, kalo JB??????? Suka sih tapi gatau, gak minat banget buat nonton, asa biasa aja gitu HE HE
Tapi beneran deh, untuk saat ini, gua beneran pengen banget nonton Bruno nanti 5 April di Istora, demi Allah deh gua kalo dibeliin ticketnya sama papah, gua bakalan seneng banget dan bakalan nepatin janji gua itu, tp sebelum nepatin pasti gua bisa nangis dulu deh ngeliat ticket itu ada di tangan gua:')
Dan papah juga bilang "yaudah nanti aja masih lama ini kan?" *TOEEENG-,-* iye masih lama, tapi org2 aja mau ngantri ticketnya tuh ada yg bisa nginep,gak tidur,dll. Dan ticketnya tuh pernah abis kurang dari satu jam-____- syemeleeeee...
Ya langsung lah gua ngebela diri kalo emang tuh ticket diincer banyak orang banget, ya semoga aja dengan kata-kata papah ("yaudah nanti aja, masih lama ini kan?") itu bertanda baik kalo mau dibeliin, AMIN YAALLAH AMIN BANGET AMIN AMIN YARABALALLAMIN YALLAAAAAH!!!:'''(
Kata si nyokap sih begini "berapa tuh?", gua jawab "1 ticket sejuta, beli 4 900.000, ITU TICKET FESTIVAL LOH MAH! BUKAN TRIBUNE! DAN FESTIVAL ITU BERKISAR 1,3-AN! PLEASE MAAAH INI UDAH PALING MURAH!:(", terus nyokap jawab "yaudah kamu nabung ya...", gua berpikiran "apa dari sekarang aja ya gua contact tuh orang yang jual? Ya booked aja gitu..." YaAllah aku beneran ngincer ticket ini yaAllaaaah, berikan saya jalan & kemudahan & kesempatan yaAllah...... :'(
Do'a anak soleh: "yaAllah, jika engkau mengizinkan aku nonton concert Bruno Mars, tolong berikanlah jalan untuk saya membeli ticket itu, dan berikanlah kedua orangtua saya rezeki agar kita bisa menonton bersama-sama (ber-4), tapi yang suka cuma aku & mamah, yaAllah minimal 2 deh buat mamah & aku:( yaAllah dengarkanlah do'a-ku, aku solat 5 waktu, beneran deh yaAllah. Tolong dengarkan dan kabulkanlah do'a-ku, ini hanya satu-satunya kesempatan untuk aku dan semua penggemar Bruno Mars di Indonesia yaAllah, betapa beruntungnya jika penggemar-penggemar Bruno Mars diberi kesempatan bertemu idolanya. YaAllah dengarkan & kabulkanlah do'a-ku dan seluruh penggemar Bruno. Amin yarrabalallamin:')"
Ayo sekarang saatnya bujuk dan rayu papah sampe berhasil, takut ticketnya bener-bener abis, meski banyak orang-orang yang mau jual juga tapi tetep aja orang banyak yang ngincer:( Apalagi makin lama, harga makin naik... YaAllah berikan hambamu ini kesempatan yaAllah, Amin.... :')
(Berharap ticket ini ada di tangan saya...)
Nih nih website yang jualin ticket Bruno Mars:
- http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=7152149
- http://medanvoucher.com/jual-6-ticket-festival-bruno-mars-live-in-concert-jakarta-2.html
- http://medanvoucher.com/tiket-bruno-mars-900rb-tribune.html
Emang sih link yang ke-3 itu ticket tribune bukan festival, tapi itu murah banget kan! (dibanding yang lainnya)
Kenape sih harga ticket tuh berkisar 1,3 aja? Itu tuh udah di nego, asalnya kan 1,5 -_- haaah yaAllah aku beneran pengen nonton Bruno Mars banget:-((
Gua beneran janji deh, kalo emang gua dibeliin ticket itu, gua bakal rajin belajar buat UN, gua janji, demi Allah! :''')
Dan oya, kemaren malem gua ngomongin tntg Bruno Mars terus ke babeh trs gua kasih tuh link-link yang jual ticket Bruno, dia malah bilang begini dong:
"Siapa itu Bruno Mars? Ah papah mah mau beliin kamu ticket concert kalo artisnya JB atau engga Lady Gaga! Apalagi Mick Jagger, papah mau beli, BERAPAPUN!"
Ih geleh bangetlah-_- tapi amin juga sih kalo nanti Lady Gaga ke Indonesia, kalo JB??????? Suka sih tapi gatau, gak minat banget buat nonton, asa biasa aja gitu HE HE
Tapi beneran deh, untuk saat ini, gua beneran pengen banget nonton Bruno nanti 5 April di Istora, demi Allah deh gua kalo dibeliin ticketnya sama papah, gua bakalan seneng banget dan bakalan nepatin janji gua itu, tp sebelum nepatin pasti gua bisa nangis dulu deh ngeliat ticket itu ada di tangan gua:')
Dan papah juga bilang "yaudah nanti aja masih lama ini kan?" *TOEEENG-,-* iye masih lama, tapi org2 aja mau ngantri ticketnya tuh ada yg bisa nginep,gak tidur,dll. Dan ticketnya tuh pernah abis kurang dari satu jam-____- syemeleeeee...
Ya langsung lah gua ngebela diri kalo emang tuh ticket diincer banyak orang banget, ya semoga aja dengan kata-kata papah ("yaudah nanti aja, masih lama ini kan?") itu bertanda baik kalo mau dibeliin, AMIN YAALLAH AMIN BANGET AMIN AMIN YARABALALLAMIN YALLAAAAAH!!!:'''(
Kata si nyokap sih begini "berapa tuh?", gua jawab "1 ticket sejuta, beli 4 900.000, ITU TICKET FESTIVAL LOH MAH! BUKAN TRIBUNE! DAN FESTIVAL ITU BERKISAR 1,3-AN! PLEASE MAAAH INI UDAH PALING MURAH!:(", terus nyokap jawab "yaudah kamu nabung ya...", gua berpikiran "apa dari sekarang aja ya gua contact tuh orang yang jual? Ya booked aja gitu..." YaAllah aku beneran ngincer ticket ini yaAllaaaah, berikan saya jalan & kemudahan & kesempatan yaAllah...... :'(
Do'a anak soleh: "yaAllah, jika engkau mengizinkan aku nonton concert Bruno Mars, tolong berikanlah jalan untuk saya membeli ticket itu, dan berikanlah kedua orangtua saya rezeki agar kita bisa menonton bersama-sama (ber-4), tapi yang suka cuma aku & mamah, yaAllah minimal 2 deh buat mamah & aku:( yaAllah dengarkanlah do'a-ku, aku solat 5 waktu, beneran deh yaAllah. Tolong dengarkan dan kabulkanlah do'a-ku, ini hanya satu-satunya kesempatan untuk aku dan semua penggemar Bruno Mars di Indonesia yaAllah, betapa beruntungnya jika penggemar-penggemar Bruno Mars diberi kesempatan bertemu idolanya. YaAllah dengarkan & kabulkanlah do'a-ku dan seluruh penggemar Bruno. Amin yarrabalallamin:')"
Ayo sekarang saatnya bujuk dan rayu papah sampe berhasil, takut ticketnya bener-bener abis, meski banyak orang-orang yang mau jual juga tapi tetep aja orang banyak yang ngincer:( Apalagi makin lama, harga makin naik... YaAllah berikan hambamu ini kesempatan yaAllah, Amin.... :')
(Berharap ticket ini ada di tangan saya...)
Bruno Mars, you're making me crazy! - II
Gua beneran gila gara-gara kakang prabu Peter Gene Hernandez alias si gantengimutmanismuah Bruno Mars. Sampe-sampe folder gua penuhnya sama dia, emang sih baru 260 foto tntg dia, tp itu di download sejam-an doang, gimana kalo lagi ada waktu luang banget? Bisa ribuan heehehe (gak gitu juga sih)
And cekidot ceman-ceman, Little Peter / Bruno
And now, muke die yang sekarang nih
KYAAAA!!!! Kalo gua emang beneran dibeliin ticket concert Bruno Mars nanti 5 April di Istora Senayan, gua janji deh bakal rajin belajar buat UN, soalnya 5 April tuh H-20 ke UN. Gua janji deh beneran. Yang penting gimana caranya gua mau ketemu ataupun liat Bruno Mars asli! Secara langsung! Pleaseeee, yaAllah please give me a chance to meet with Bruno Mars!!! Amin...
And cekidot ceman-ceman, Little Peter / Bruno
And now, muke die yang sekarang nih
KYAAAA!!!! Kalo gua emang beneran dibeliin ticket concert Bruno Mars nanti 5 April di Istora Senayan, gua janji deh bakal rajin belajar buat UN, soalnya 5 April tuh H-20 ke UN. Gua janji deh beneran. Yang penting gimana caranya gua mau ketemu ataupun liat Bruno Mars asli! Secara langsung! Pleaseeee, yaAllah please give me a chance to meet with Bruno Mars!!! Amin...
Bruno Mars, you're making me crazy!
Hi ceman-ceman! You know gak sih? Bruno Mars tuh ya "HE MAKES ME CRAZY!" Dan yuhuuuuuu Bruno Mars mau concert di Indonesia! Ya, tepatnya di Istora Senayan tanggal 15 April 2011. Pengen banget rasanya nonton concert-nya, tapi tribune aja harganya 1,5 juta, di nego harganya 1,3 juta, hesyemeleee beda dikit dan sama aja menurut dewek mah -_-"
Ada temen yang jual ticketnya, kirain harga temen beda, eh ternyata sama aja kaya pasaran, haasyemele. Sampai akhirnya mamah bilang "nadya, temen mamah mau nonton Bruno Mars loh, tribune 1,5 juta." Ngedenger itu, aku yah langsung pengen nangis banget! ENVY! ENVIES! ENVIED! ENVIOUS! Yah that's all yg aku rasain kalo ngedenger/ngeliat org beli ticket Bruno Mars. Rasanya galau banget, bener-bener galau-_-
Dan hari ini aku dapet URL gitu, dan ternyata kaskus yg emang ngejual ticket Bruno: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=7152149
Disitu tuh harganya 1,3 dan ada 4 ticket, nah sekarang masalahnya 1,3 juta tuh 4 ticket apa cuma 1 ticket? kalo emg 4 ticket wah lumayan tuh bisa ajak sekeluarga meski cuma aku doang yang suka BANGET, sama mamah yang suka denger aku nyanyi-nyanyi lagu Bruno trs suka ngikut-ngikut meski gak baleg nyanyi-nya -,- hahaha
Ada temen yang jual ticketnya, kirain harga temen beda, eh ternyata sama aja kaya pasaran, haasyemele. Sampai akhirnya mamah bilang "nadya, temen mamah mau nonton Bruno Mars loh, tribune 1,5 juta." Ngedenger itu, aku yah langsung pengen nangis banget! ENVY! ENVIES! ENVIED! ENVIOUS! Yah that's all yg aku rasain kalo ngedenger/ngeliat org beli ticket Bruno Mars. Rasanya galau banget, bener-bener galau-_-
Dan hari ini aku dapet URL gitu, dan ternyata kaskus yg emang ngejual ticket Bruno: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=7152149
Disitu tuh harganya 1,3 dan ada 4 ticket, nah sekarang masalahnya 1,3 juta tuh 4 ticket apa cuma 1 ticket? kalo emg 4 ticket wah lumayan tuh bisa ajak sekeluarga meski cuma aku doang yang suka BANGET, sama mamah yang suka denger aku nyanyi-nyanyi lagu Bruno trs suka ngikut-ngikut meski gak baleg nyanyi-nya -,- hahaha
Peter Gene Hernandez (Bruno Mars)
Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), better known by his stage name Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter and music producer. Raised in Honolulu, Hawaii by a family of musicians, Mars began making music at a young age. After performing in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood, he decided to pursue a musical career and moved to Los Angeles after graduating from high school. Mars began producing songs for other artists, joining production team The Smeezingtons.
After an unsuccessful stint with Motown Records, Mars signed with Atlantic Records in 2009. He became recognized as a solo artist after lending his vocals and co-writing the hooks for the songs "Nothin' on You" by B.o.B, and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy. He also co-wrote the hits "Right Round" by Flo Rida featuring Kesha, "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan, and "Fuck You!" by Cee Lo Green. In October 2010, he released his debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans. Anchored by the worldwide number one singles "Just the Way You Are" and "Grenade", the album peaked at number three on the Billboard 200. He was nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards, winning Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Just the Way You Are".
Mars' music is noted for displaying a wide variety of styles and influences, and contains elements of many different musical genres. He has worked with an assortment of artists from different genres; Mars acknowledges the influences that his collaborations have had on his own music. As a child, he was highly influenced by artists such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson and would often impersonate these artists from a young age. Mars also incorporates reggae and Motown inspired sounds into his work. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times referred to Mars as "one of the most versatile and accessible singers in pop."
Life and career
1985–2008: Early life and beginnings
Mars was born Peter Gene Hernandez and raised in the Waikiki neighborhood of Honolulu, Hawaii, by parents Pete and Bernadette "Bernie" Hernandez, of Puerto Rican and Filipino descent. His mother emigrated to Hawaii from the Philippines as a child and his father moved to the island from Brooklyn, New York. The two met when performing in a show where his mother was a hula dancer and his father played percussion. At the age of two, Mars was nicknamed "Bruno" by his father, because of his resemblance to chubby professional wrestler Bruno Sammartino.[ Mars was one of six children and came from a musical family who exposed him to a diverse mix of reggae, rock, hip hop, and R&B. From a young age, he was impersonating and performing songs by artists such as Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, The Isley Brothers, and The Temptations.
In 1990, Mars was featured in MidWeek as "Little Elvis", going on to have a cameo in the film Honeymoon in Vegas in 1992. He later reflected on the influence Presley had on his music, saying, "I watch the best. I'm a big fan of Elvis. I'm a big fan of 1950s Elvis when he would go on stage and scare people because he was a force and girls would go nuts! You can say the same thing for Prince or The Police. It's just guys who know that people are here to see a show, so I watch those guys and I love studying them because I'm a fan." In 2010, he also acknowledged his Hawaiian roots and musical family as an influence, saying, "Growing up in Hawaii made me the man I am. I used to do a lot of shows in Hawaii with my father's band. Everybody in my family sings, everyone plays instruments. My uncle's an incredible guitar player, my dad's an incredible percussionist, my brother's a great drummer, he actually plays in our band. I've just been surrounded by it." In 2003, shortly after graduating from President Theodore Roosevelt High School at the age of seventeen, Mars moved to Los Angeles, California to pursue a musical career. He adopted his stage name from the nickname his father gave him, adding "Mars" at the end because "I felt like I didn't have [any] pizzazz, and a lot of girls say I’m out of this world, so I was like I guess I'm from Mars."
Shortly after moving to Los Angeles, Mars signed to Motown Records in 2004, in a deal that "went nowhere". However, Mars' experience with Motown proved to be beneficial to his career when he met songwriter and producer Philip Lawrence, who was also signed to the label. Mars, Lawrence, and engineer Ari Levine began writing songs together, and formed the production team The Smeezingtons. In 2006, Lawrence introduced Mars to his future manager at Atlantic Records, Aaron Bay-Schuck. After hearing him play a couple of songs on the guitar, Bay-Schuck wanted to sign him immediately, but it took about three years for Atlantic records to finally sign Mars to the label. In the meantime, Bay-Schuck hired Mars and the Smeezingtons to write and produce songs for the label's artists. According to Bay-Schuck in an interview with HitQuarters, Mars had stated that although his ultimate goal was to be a solo artist, he was willing to write and produce for other artists, both to help improve his songwriting and help him discover the type of artist he ultimately wanted to be. Bay-Schuck credits this as a period of "self-discovery" that contributed significantly to Mars' later success.
2009–present: Commercial success and Doo-Wops & Hooligans
Bruno Mars performing in Houston, Texas in November 2010.
Before becoming a successful solo artist, Hernandez was an acknowledged music producer, writing songs for Alexandra Burke, Travie McCoy, Adam Levine, Brandy, Sean Kingston, and Flo Rida. He also co-wrote the Sugababes' hit song "Get Sexy" and provided backing vocals on their album Sweet 7. His first musical appearance as a singer was in Far East Movement's second studio album Animal, featured on the track "3D". He was also featured on pastor and hip hop artist Jaeson Ma's debut single "Love" in August 2009.[22][23] He reached prominence as a solo artist after being featured on and co-writing B.o.B's "Nothin' on You" and Travie McCoy's "Billionaire"; both songs peaked within the top ten of many charts worldwide. He said of them, "I think those songs weren't meant to be full-sung songs. If I'd sung all of "Nothin' on You", it might've sounded like some '90s R&B." Following this success, Mars released his debut extended play (EP), titled It's Better If You Don't Understand, on May 11, 2010. The EP peaked at the 99th position on the Billboard 200 and produced one single, "The Other Side", featuring rappers Cee-Lo Green and B.o.B. Mars collaborated with Green once more in August 2010 by co-writing his single "Fuck You!". He performed a medley of "Nothin' on You" and "Airplanes" with B.o.B and Hayley Williams at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010.
Mars' debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans, was released digitally on October 4, and saw its physical release on October 5, 2010. The lead single, "Just the Way You Are", was released on July 19, 2010, and has reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 as well as several other charts worldwide. The music video was released on September 8, 2010. The second single, "Grenade", was released September 28, 2010, and has also seen successful international chart performance.[38][39] In the United States, Doo-Wops & Hooligans debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 for the week of October 13, 2010, selling 55,000 copies. The album also received generally positive reviews from critics. Entertainment Weekly's Leah Greenblatt praised Mars for his "instant-access melodies" and "sly snatches of dance-floor swagger", but noted weaknesses in songs deviant from his conventional pop and soul genres. He opened for Maroon 5 on the fall leg of the Hands All Over Tour starting October 6, 2010 and co-headlined with McCoy on a European tour starting October 18, 2010.
On September 19, 2010, Mars was arrested in Las Vegas for possession of cocaine. When talking to a police officer, Mars reportedly stated that what he did was "foolish" and that "he has never used drugs before". Mars pled guilty to felony drug possession, and in return for his plea, the charges will be erased from his criminal record as long as he pays a $2,000 fine, does 200 hours of community service and completes a drug counseling course.
After an unsuccessful stint with Motown Records, Mars signed with Atlantic Records in 2009. He became recognized as a solo artist after lending his vocals and co-writing the hooks for the songs "Nothin' on You" by B.o.B, and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy. He also co-wrote the hits "Right Round" by Flo Rida featuring Kesha, "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan, and "Fuck You!" by Cee Lo Green. In October 2010, he released his debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans. Anchored by the worldwide number one singles "Just the Way You Are" and "Grenade", the album peaked at number three on the Billboard 200. He was nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards, winning Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Just the Way You Are".
Mars' music is noted for displaying a wide variety of styles and influences, and contains elements of many different musical genres. He has worked with an assortment of artists from different genres; Mars acknowledges the influences that his collaborations have had on his own music. As a child, he was highly influenced by artists such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson and would often impersonate these artists from a young age. Mars also incorporates reggae and Motown inspired sounds into his work. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times referred to Mars as "one of the most versatile and accessible singers in pop."
Life and career
1985–2008: Early life and beginnings
Mars was born Peter Gene Hernandez and raised in the Waikiki neighborhood of Honolulu, Hawaii, by parents Pete and Bernadette "Bernie" Hernandez, of Puerto Rican and Filipino descent. His mother emigrated to Hawaii from the Philippines as a child and his father moved to the island from Brooklyn, New York. The two met when performing in a show where his mother was a hula dancer and his father played percussion. At the age of two, Mars was nicknamed "Bruno" by his father, because of his resemblance to chubby professional wrestler Bruno Sammartino.[ Mars was one of six children and came from a musical family who exposed him to a diverse mix of reggae, rock, hip hop, and R&B. From a young age, he was impersonating and performing songs by artists such as Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, The Isley Brothers, and The Temptations.
In 1990, Mars was featured in MidWeek as "Little Elvis", going on to have a cameo in the film Honeymoon in Vegas in 1992. He later reflected on the influence Presley had on his music, saying, "I watch the best. I'm a big fan of Elvis. I'm a big fan of 1950s Elvis when he would go on stage and scare people because he was a force and girls would go nuts! You can say the same thing for Prince or The Police. It's just guys who know that people are here to see a show, so I watch those guys and I love studying them because I'm a fan." In 2010, he also acknowledged his Hawaiian roots and musical family as an influence, saying, "Growing up in Hawaii made me the man I am. I used to do a lot of shows in Hawaii with my father's band. Everybody in my family sings, everyone plays instruments. My uncle's an incredible guitar player, my dad's an incredible percussionist, my brother's a great drummer, he actually plays in our band. I've just been surrounded by it." In 2003, shortly after graduating from President Theodore Roosevelt High School at the age of seventeen, Mars moved to Los Angeles, California to pursue a musical career. He adopted his stage name from the nickname his father gave him, adding "Mars" at the end because "I felt like I didn't have [any] pizzazz, and a lot of girls say I’m out of this world, so I was like I guess I'm from Mars."
Shortly after moving to Los Angeles, Mars signed to Motown Records in 2004, in a deal that "went nowhere". However, Mars' experience with Motown proved to be beneficial to his career when he met songwriter and producer Philip Lawrence, who was also signed to the label. Mars, Lawrence, and engineer Ari Levine began writing songs together, and formed the production team The Smeezingtons. In 2006, Lawrence introduced Mars to his future manager at Atlantic Records, Aaron Bay-Schuck. After hearing him play a couple of songs on the guitar, Bay-Schuck wanted to sign him immediately, but it took about three years for Atlantic records to finally sign Mars to the label. In the meantime, Bay-Schuck hired Mars and the Smeezingtons to write and produce songs for the label's artists. According to Bay-Schuck in an interview with HitQuarters, Mars had stated that although his ultimate goal was to be a solo artist, he was willing to write and produce for other artists, both to help improve his songwriting and help him discover the type of artist he ultimately wanted to be. Bay-Schuck credits this as a period of "self-discovery" that contributed significantly to Mars' later success.
2009–present: Commercial success and Doo-Wops & Hooligans
Bruno Mars performing in Houston, Texas in November 2010.
Before becoming a successful solo artist, Hernandez was an acknowledged music producer, writing songs for Alexandra Burke, Travie McCoy, Adam Levine, Brandy, Sean Kingston, and Flo Rida. He also co-wrote the Sugababes' hit song "Get Sexy" and provided backing vocals on their album Sweet 7. His first musical appearance as a singer was in Far East Movement's second studio album Animal, featured on the track "3D". He was also featured on pastor and hip hop artist Jaeson Ma's debut single "Love" in August 2009.[22][23] He reached prominence as a solo artist after being featured on and co-writing B.o.B's "Nothin' on You" and Travie McCoy's "Billionaire"; both songs peaked within the top ten of many charts worldwide. He said of them, "I think those songs weren't meant to be full-sung songs. If I'd sung all of "Nothin' on You", it might've sounded like some '90s R&B." Following this success, Mars released his debut extended play (EP), titled It's Better If You Don't Understand, on May 11, 2010. The EP peaked at the 99th position on the Billboard 200 and produced one single, "The Other Side", featuring rappers Cee-Lo Green and B.o.B. Mars collaborated with Green once more in August 2010 by co-writing his single "Fuck You!". He performed a medley of "Nothin' on You" and "Airplanes" with B.o.B and Hayley Williams at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010.
Mars' debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans, was released digitally on October 4, and saw its physical release on October 5, 2010. The lead single, "Just the Way You Are", was released on July 19, 2010, and has reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 as well as several other charts worldwide. The music video was released on September 8, 2010. The second single, "Grenade", was released September 28, 2010, and has also seen successful international chart performance.[38][39] In the United States, Doo-Wops & Hooligans debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 for the week of October 13, 2010, selling 55,000 copies. The album also received generally positive reviews from critics. Entertainment Weekly's Leah Greenblatt praised Mars for his "instant-access melodies" and "sly snatches of dance-floor swagger", but noted weaknesses in songs deviant from his conventional pop and soul genres. He opened for Maroon 5 on the fall leg of the Hands All Over Tour starting October 6, 2010 and co-headlined with McCoy on a European tour starting October 18, 2010.
On September 19, 2010, Mars was arrested in Las Vegas for possession of cocaine. When talking to a police officer, Mars reportedly stated that what he did was "foolish" and that "he has never used drugs before". Mars pled guilty to felony drug possession, and in return for his plea, the charges will be erased from his criminal record as long as he pays a $2,000 fine, does 200 hours of community service and completes a drug counseling course.
Rabu, 23 Februari 2011
Sebenernya kangen banget sama blog, banyak banget cerita sedih, menarik dan lain-lain macamnya, tapi gimana ya? terakhir ngeposting aja bulan april 2010, nah setelah itu tuh bnyk bgt pengalaman-pengalaman yg bikiin happy, galau, sakit, dan lain macamnya.
Nih pengalaman-pengalaman yang belum aku ceritain/posting disini dan yang masih aku inget:
- perekrutan & pelantikan anggota baru Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung angkatan XI 2010
- persiapan / proses Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung menuju Kejuaraan Nasional "Grand Prix Marching Band(GPMB) 2010" yang bakal dilaksanakan setiap bulan Desember
- kecelakaan sebelum melakukan kegiatan Bakti Sosial Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung 2010
- Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung gagal mengikuti Kejuaraan Marching Band terbesar di Indonesia (Grand Prix Marching Band(GPMB) 2010)
- Kuala Lumpur World Marching Band Competition(KLWMBC) 2010 with Bandung Jawa Barat Drum Corps(BJBDC)
- Focus sekolah dulu buat UN 2011 dan ninggali kegiatan-kegiatan (esp; Marching Band)
- Penyakitku: Anemia, Infeksi Saluran Kencing dan 1 lagi yang baru, yaitu Hepatitis B:-(
Udah sih segitu, ya insyaallah kalo misalnya aku sempet dan masih inget cerita2 itu, pasti di posting deh, ya mungkin ada waktunya, soalnye yaa..... males aja gitu he he he
Yasudadeh udah dulu ya, jadi gak focus nonton sinetron papah aku: Daddy Prabu Wijaya ---> Putri Yang Ditukar. Heehehehehesyemeleee:-> ok, bye cemans-cemans!
Nih pengalaman-pengalaman yang belum aku ceritain/posting disini dan yang masih aku inget:
- perekrutan & pelantikan anggota baru Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung angkatan XI 2010
- persiapan / proses Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung menuju Kejuaraan Nasional "Grand Prix Marching Band(GPMB) 2010" yang bakal dilaksanakan setiap bulan Desember
- kecelakaan sebelum melakukan kegiatan Bakti Sosial Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung 2010
- Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemerintahan Kota Bandung gagal mengikuti Kejuaraan Marching Band terbesar di Indonesia (Grand Prix Marching Band(GPMB) 2010)
- Kuala Lumpur World Marching Band Competition(KLWMBC) 2010 with Bandung Jawa Barat Drum Corps(BJBDC)
- Focus sekolah dulu buat UN 2011 dan ninggali kegiatan-kegiatan (esp; Marching Band)
- Penyakitku: Anemia, Infeksi Saluran Kencing dan 1 lagi yang baru, yaitu Hepatitis B:-(
Udah sih segitu, ya insyaallah kalo misalnya aku sempet dan masih inget cerita2 itu, pasti di posting deh, ya mungkin ada waktunya, soalnye yaa..... males aja gitu he he he
Yasudadeh udah dulu ya, jadi gak focus nonton sinetron papah aku: Daddy Prabu Wijaya ---> Putri Yang Ditukar. Heehehehehesyemeleee:-> ok, bye cemans-cemans!
Senin, 21 Februari 2011
I'm back!
Hi! Setelah sekian lama gak ngeblog akhirnya saya kembali juga, terima kasih kepada pak Taufik guru TIK SMP BPI 1 Bandung yang sudah mengajar saya dari kelas 7 sampe sekarang udah mau lulus karena ujian praktek TIK itu ada 3, seinget saya: Excel, trs 1 lagi lupa, nah trs sama Blog juga. Padahal aku udh punya blog 2, tp temen2 kelas masih banyak yang belum punya blog, tapi yasudalah, pake blog yang lama juga gapapa hehehe. Jadi berkat ujian praktek ini jadi saya ingat kepada blog saya yang bisa dibilang "bulukan" ehe ehe ehe-___-
Sip, yasudah dulu ya, mau cabut ke Balai Kota terkasih, mau ke Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemkot Bandung tercintaaaa hahaha byebye, see you next time ceman-ceman<3
Sip, yasudah dulu ya, mau cabut ke Balai Kota terkasih, mau ke Marching Band Gema Wibawa Mukti Pemkot Bandung tercintaaaa hahaha byebye, see you next time ceman-ceman<3
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